Empower staff with the knowledge they need, save time by providing instant targeted training, enable HR and managers to report on employee progress easily and clearly. Effortlessly add training targets to KPIs, allowing staff to upskill in line with required competencies and only receive training where necessary. No more generic, boring training videos with targeted training modules delivered in the same place as the assessment of competency..



Puzzle Shifter recognised a need across many organisations to provide training to their staff in a timely manner. Traditionally staff training is provided in group sessions, whereby participants may already know some of the content being delivered. This prior knowledge leads to disengagement from the subject matter and poor learning outcomes. With Puzzle Shifter this is removed and staff are only tested where they have a proven weakness, meaning that everyone who completes a Puzzle Shifter designed course will be at the same demonstratable baseline.

Learning Excellence

Puzzle Shifter is a single learning centre for staff to access for everything from HR courses, to Microsoft O365 Services with training that enables true competency assessment and targeted training when and where appropriate.

Puzzle Shifter has a focus on assessing where staff members are in their learning journey, and then targeting them with training tailored to strengthen their knowledge where it counts rather than putting all staff, regardless of experience, in the same bucket.